In the heart of Columbus beats a vibrant force for change, fueled by the unwavering support of fans and the boundless compassion of a drag legend. The Nina West Foundation stands tall, dedicated to uplifting and sustaining the central Ohio LGBTQ community.
Nina West, the dazzling alter ego of Andrew Levitt, and her journey from drag performer to philanthropic powerhouse has become the stuff of legend. With countless performances under her sequined belt and a calendar bursting with appearances, Nina has become a beacon of hope and acceptance. But it's not just about the glitz and glamour—it's about making a difference.
Every charity performance, every dollar raised—averaging an astounding $1,500 per show—is a testament to Nina's unyielding passion and the incredible generosity of her audience. "It's mind-blowing to know how giving people are," Andrew shares. "Columbus is a really giving community, and it speaks volumes about our tight-knit LGBTQ family."
For Nina, the spotlight isn't just a stage—it's a platform for change. In 2015, she established The Nina West Fund at The Columbus Foundation, a lifeline for local nonprofits serving LGBTQ youth and families. From supporting the beloved Kaleidoscope Youth Center to granting wishes with Make-A-Wish, Nina's impact knows no bounds.
But her mission doesn't end in the spotlight. It's about making connections, breaking barriers, and empowering families of all shapes and sizes. "Giving families access to the art of drag is pretty powerful and awesome," Andrew reflects.
Join us in celebrating a legacy of love, acceptance, and empowerment. Together, we can continue to shine bright and lift each other higher. Welcome to the Nina West Foundation—where every sparkle sparks change.
Past Recipients
Abotion Fund of Ohio (Women Have Options)
ACLU Foundation of Tennessee
Ali Fornay Center
Asian American Community Services
Athlete Ally
Attic Youth Center
Black AIDS Institute
Black, Out, and Proud
B Riley Sober House
Born This Way Foundation
Bring Change to Mind
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
Campus Pride
Central Ohio Freedom Fund
Columbus Diaper Coalition
Columbus Foundation
Columbus Gay Men’s Chorus
CD102.5 For the Kids
Dress for Success
Doctors Without Borders
Elton John AIDS Foundation
Entertainment Community Fund (formerly The Actor’s Fund)
Equality Alliance
Equality Florida Institute
Equality For All Americans
Education Fund
Equality Texas Foundation
Equitas Health
Everytown for Gun Safety
Family Equality
Family Pride Network of Central Ohio
Freedom For All Americans Education Fund
Gateway Film Center
Gods Love We Deliver
Harrison West Arts Inc
Immigration Equality
Kaleidoscope Youth Center
Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender Community Center of Greater Cleveland
Make a Day Foundation
Make-A-Wish – Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana
Matthew Shepherd Foundation
onePulse Foundation
PFLAG Columbus
Pets Without Parents Columbus
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio
Service Relief for Hospitality Workers
Short North Alliance
Stepping Stone of San Diego
Stonewall Columbus
Student Success Stories
Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Susan G Komen Race for the Cure
The Columbus Foundation
The Contemporary Theatre of Ohio
The Point Foundation
The Pinta Pride Project
The Pollination Project Foundation
The Trevor Project
Treats 4 The Streets
Transgender American Veterans Association
Wild Goose Creative
World Central Kitchen
World Food Programme
Y’all Means All Natchez